This is the CONTENT APP. This is where the Text Editor allows the user to enter the content information. It has text tools with the following options:

Options include:
Clear Formatting
Template Styles (Title/Subtitle)
Styles (smallest, smaller, small, normal, large, larger, largest)
Headings [Title (H1), Sub-title (H2), Heading (H3), Sub-heading (H4)]
Bold / Italics / Underline / Strikethrough
Text Color
Align Left / Align Center / Align Right
Source Code / About
Cut / Copy / Paste / Paste as Text
Insert Link / Insert Image / Insert File
Horizantal Line / Special Character
Toolbox (Channel Name; Section Lane; Current Users Email address, First Name, Full Name, Last Name, Zip Code; Long Date; Long Time; Short Date; Short Time)
Bullet List (Default, Circle, Disk, Square)
Numbered List (Default, Lower Alpha, Lower Greek, Lower Roman, Upper Alpha, Upper Roman)
Decrease Indent / Increase Indent